Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics
Český Krumlov, 2016
This page contains teaching materials to support BEAST 2 practical sessions at the Workshop on Molecular Evolution in Český Krumlov, 2016.
Required Software
The following software must be installed on your computer to complete these tutorials:
- Java version 8
- BEAST 2.3.3 (pre-release 3)
- Tracer 1.6
- FigTree 1.4.2
- R
- An up-to-date version Firefox or Chrome
- BEAGLE (optional)
The following tutorials will be taught during practical sessions in the Workshop.
- Extended Bayesian Skyline Plot (EBSP) tutorial [zip] [logs for a 100M run]
- Sructured Coalescent tutorials
- Full structured coalescent inference using MultiTypeTree [html] [xml and logs]
- Approximate structured coalescent inference using BASTA [html] [xml and logs]
- Bayes Factor Delimitation of Species (BFD*) [zip]
- How to manage packages.
- An extra set of tutorials that you may find useful to investigate in your own time can be found at
Further documentation
Further documentation on BEAST2 can be found on the BEAST2 website.
If you are having trouble starting BEAST and BEAUti by double-clicking on Windows it is probably because you have more than one Java version installed. Make sure “java — version” reports version 1.8 and then follow these instructions to start BEAUti and BEAST from the Command Prompt.