Workshop Český Krumlov (2018) — this site is deprecated: goto for up-to-date information

Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics

Český Krumlov, 2018

This page contains teaching materials to support BEAST 2 practical sessions at the Workshop on Molecular Evolution in Český Krumlov, 2018.

Required Software

The following software must be installed on your computer to complete these tutorials:


The following tutorials will be taught during practical sessions in the Workshop.

  1. Extended Bayesian Skyline Plot (EBSP) tutorial [zip] [logs for a 100M run]
  2. Sructured Coalescent tutorials
  3. Species delimitation with SNAPP [zip]
  4. Species network inference tutorial [zip] [pre-generated logs]


Further documentation

Further documentation on BEAST2 can be found on the BEAST2 website.