Package Development Guide — this site is deprecated: goto for up-to-date information

BEAST 2 is designed to be extended easily through the BEAST 2 package system. A package houses java code that may implement a probability distribution, a new state component, a new set of MCMC operators, or a combination of all (or none) of these – it’s up to you! In addition, the package also specifies how these abstract concepts relate to the BEAST’s BEAUti graphical interface.

The following pages will walk you through the process of creating your own BEAST 2 package.

  1. Setting up a package in Intellij or Eclipse.
  2. Tutorial for writing a package in Eclipse.
  3. Setting up Hudson for continuous integration testing of BEAST and its packages.

We strongly recommend that BEAST 2 package developers follow these rules. Doing so will help ensure your package is reliable and easy to maintain.

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