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Setting up an add-on in Eclipse

This assumes that Beast2 source code is cloned from Github using ’git clone and set up as a project in Eclipse, named beast2.

To set up a new Add-on to Beast 2 in Eclipse

  • Import beast2 as a project as follows
   Choose File/Import menu
   The ’import’ dialog pops up. Choose ’General/Existing Projects into
   Workspace’ and click ’Next’
   The next ’import’ dialog pops up. Select Browse button
   Select the directory containing beast2 in the file choose dialog, click ok
   Click next, and beast2 will be added as a project
  • Create new add-on project as follows
   Select File/New/Java Project menu
   Fill in project name and click the Next button
   A ’New Java Project’ dialog pops up, select the ’Projects’ tab
   Click ’Add’ button, and a ”Required Project Selection” dialog pops up
   Select ’beast2’ and click OK
   Click ’Finish’ and all is done

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