
Workshop Announcement: Taming the BEAST in the South Pacific — this site is deprecated: goto for up-to-date information

*** Deadline extended to 7th NOVEMBER for late applications ***

*** Just a few places left. ***

Taming the BEAST in the South Pacific is a comprehensive 5-day workshop to be held on the scenic Waiheke Island, New Zealand from 5 – 10 February 2017.

This workshop will equip researchers with the skills to use BEAST2 software to perform phylogenetics and phylodynamic inferences across a wide range of disciplines through a series of talks by leading experts, lectures and hands-on tutorial sessions. Participants are also encouraged to bring their own datasets for one-on-one discussion and guidance.

Speakers confirmed for the workshop are leading experts in the field:

  • Simon Ho, University of Sydney
  • Alexei Drummond, University of Auckland
  • David Bryant, University of Otago
  • Remco Bouckaert, University of Auckland
  • Tracy Heath, Iowa State University

Taming the BEAST in the South Pacific is hosted by the Centre for Computational Evolution at the University of Auckland, and is modelled after the Taming the BEAST summer school in the Swiss Alps which was organised by the Computational Evolution Group at ETH Zurich. Registration of interest for Taming the BEAST in the South Pacific is open until 25 October 2016. Deadline for late applications is 7th November 2016. Just a few places left, first in first served! See for more information and registration details. Three partial scholarships have been made available for postgraduate students.